Wednesday, January 8, 2014

INFLUENCE: You are either influencing or being influenced

Influence is plainly defined as the power to affect, control or manipulate something or someone,the ability to change behavior or conduct. It can be in both negative or positive depending on the energy employed. 

The most influencial, effective, powerful and succesful people in the world have so many things in common, one of them being "influence". They have surrounded themselves with possitive people. These may be people who are like minded with them or those ahead of them. They never suround themselves with medioctrity thinkers or quiters. the pople in their circles are people who add velue to them.


Now, lean back and take a short break and ask yourself this question (try and answer it openly); what kind of people are within your circles? Is it people who inspire you to be better than you are or those that keep on subtracting something from you and demotivate you? Could it be you are being influenced to do less than you are capable of or to stretch beyond the sky? Perhaps ask yourself; do I add value to the peole around me?

When each day passes, take a look at your life and see what is inflencing your life. Young Samuel in the bible was inflenced by ELi to become a prophet, Elisha was influenced by Elija, Nelson Mandela was infleunced by his great friends and fellow polititians (OR Thambo, Goven Mbeki, etc), Donald Trump is inflenced by, among others his legal advisor. the kind of people who suround you will either bring the best out of you or kill it. "bad company corrupts good mennars".

A friend of mine wrote this on facebook: "a real woman can help a man achieve his goals in life".. a nother man was told by his wife while complaining that she was smiling and hugging other men (her former lovers and friends): If I had married one of these men, he would now be a CEO of a big company, a pastor of a great church, father of great and succesful children, author of many New York times best selling books and a multi-bilionair".  The man acknowledged that had it not been for his wife he would have not achieved all that his wife had just brought to the attention of his remembrence. she was the infleunce behind him.

The opposite can also happen too. consider your friends.


As defined above, you can be an influence too. as long as you can be in contact with any one, you can become a person of influence. would you rather be a person who influence other to be come the best they can be or sit back, relax and watch doom fall over them while you could have changed their destiny for the better by a simple encouragement and support.

I see many people cheering on the sidelines while others cramble and fall and plainly admit when these people fail and say "I knew nothing will come out of that". That is not the way to live. Leave a legacy behind. In every human contact and interaction you have, strive to be remembered for the good work you have done.

It does not take any extra special attributes to influence other. It is as simple as living your life. you just do what you are able to do and do it best. Make a choice that you will never "shout" a negative criticism to anyone. Decide to be the best. just by being you, many can be turned. As a metter of fact, every living person has someone constantly watching them. they may not be talkign with you, nut they are looking at what you do. other they do it because they see somthing in you and they would like to do it.

That is why in a family where in the father or mother prays or is in business, there is a high posibility that one of their children will tun out to be like them or even better. In a family where there is one person educated, I believe there is more chances of having more people aducated in that generation than where there is none. And that I say because the first role models that we have come from within our families.

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