People who dream big dreams rule the world. The products of their dreams control the economy and influence global decisions, markets and many other things at a greater level. Another point to note is the fact that great dreams do not die, the dreamers do. Ancient history has proven to us that men who dreamt dreams that shook the word still affect the earth long after they are gone.I also learned that dreams are attached to purpose and assignment to which one is born for. With the dream, comes loaded within it great potential to make manifest the same dream. The sad thing is many people dream but doubt their capacity to deliver. It becomes even sad to realize that people end up dying with their dream because of fear of engaging robustly with their dream. Thomas Edison once said, 5% of people think, 10 think that they think and the other 85% would rather die than think. The latter also possess great wealth of ideas, but fail to give birth to these because of fear. Napoleon Hill said that more gold has been mined from the mind of men than ever been mined from the earth. That mining was carried out by working out people’s dreams.
People who tend to success more than ordinary people have certain admirable characteristics, those are:1. Positive attitude. They think “I can all the time”. Henry Ford once said: whether you think you can or cannot, you are right.
2. Self-Discipline. A dream can lift you up, but discipline and character will sustain you.
3. They do not depend on the ideologies of the crowd.
4. They keep company of like-minded people and they value their contribution
5. They are relentless. On the contrary, most people walk away from things on the first sign of defeat. There are so many people who have had dreams that took too long to manifest. At times people may mock, scorn and ridicule you for having a dream. They do that because they expected the dream to be fulfilled in their watch or in their time. That may create negative pressure for the dreamer.
6. Self-confidence. Nothing beats a confident man. What others believe about you is not as important as what you believe about yourself.
7. They think ahead, creatively and BIG. F.S. Nukeri says: creative people hire lazy thinkers, make them do hard labor and pay them less. They have the goals written down and followed after,
8. They think things through before they quit. They have a strong belief that the current circumstance or status is but for a limited time. What makes some people to fail in life is their lack of persistence in creating new plans that will replace those which fail (Napoleon Hill).
9. They constantly acquire new knowledge and sharpen their skills. They tend often attend seminars and courses that develop them in the areas of their application or their dream. It is said that 77% of poor people watch more TV compared to 27% of wealthy people who watches TV for less than hour a day.
People will pay you based on what you know. But you will be paid even more for what you do with what you know. The more you learn, and apply what you learn in the practical situations, you become sought after so that you are given a platform to use the knowledge that you have. And as you use what you know; your income may grow, depending on how well you apply what you know.
10. They are not afraid to think differently. Great discoveries were made by people who were not afraid to look at the same thing as others, but think differently about it. Sir Isaac Newton once said no new discoveries were ever made without a bold guess.
So go ahead, keep your dream alive because success is intentional. It is not an accident or a random act.