For many years, the Africans have been liberated from many forms of colonisation. The mastermind dominance to Africa, even though physically defeated, it still remains a thorn in the flesh of those born before, during and after slavery. I am yet to understand fully, as to how the African Mind, even after many decades of the declaration of freedom, many countries still suffer the effect of slavery. The impact of Colonisation has far extended beyond ordinary. It has created a cancer of the mind such that those suffering from it do not know they have a tumor and are also imprisoned. Where will emansipation come from and in what form?
Africa remains poor, and other countries continues to join the ranks of poverty, economic dowlfall, land missuse and illhealth. I may not be an expert, but it is clear that something is not right and has not been so for a long time. In his words, speaker and author, Systenious Makhubele says "Africans are free, but not empowered" to access the kind of resources that they want. You are fee to travel anywhere and to buy whatever you desire, but you are not empowerd to afford those things. There is an illusion that i believe many of us need to shake off, that since we are free, things will automatically become ours. In an ideal world, that is treu. In a practical world, the activities that need to happen to make Africans own their wealth has not yet happened fully, and that is one problem.
Another problem is with the kind of leadership that seems to have infected Africa, or some of the African States. I have observed with dismay that people are appointed on leadership roles because they are known by the people and loved. Others are put on leadeship because they can "play along" when needed to. Others are put on these seats because there is a hidden agenda that must be fullfilled with blind leadership, therefore one is put as a face; a sheep leading an army of wolves. But other are appointed righfully, because they can deliver. They can do the job. This leadership crisis contributes to Africa's contnued crisis. Lucky Lubisi, says "Liberation movements can never run a successful government. We need to choose leaders by merit and leadership qualities. It's the only way that we all can access the wealth our continent has to offer". Tumisa Matitoane, an inspirational speaker and entrepreneur says "it only takes a winning mindset to be able to own wealth and be able to think how to make what men have on thier land to work for them. We need winners and lenders not borrowers and beggers thats kind of our leaders in Africa.
I will make followup articles on this matter, but feel free to share it, or comment. Participate in the #whyafricansarepoor and let us posses the African Wealth.
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