Monday, June 27, 2016


Imagine lying on your death bed in your last moments, and the ghost of your dreams and potential coming to you and say; we came to you because you had the ability to make us manifest, impact the world and create employment opportunities for thousand others, but you are dying with us. What would your response be? I think if potential could speak, many of would have been in court many times.

What if you live your whole life, only to realize that you never lived, you never scratched the surface of your potential. You need to decide to live in full and die empty.

I want to try and help you move from small to big, from failure to success. Whenever you see success in another person that means that person has mastered the craft of his destiny. He/she has learned and proactively answered the question: what is your WHAT? And what is your WHY? If you can be able to describe explicitly what is it you want in life, and why you want it, then anything that tries to stop you will not be able to limit you.
Let me show you how to do that in six simple steps:

1. Ask what is it you really want to achieve in your life. Write it clearly on a clean sheet, diary, and paste it where you can see it every day.  You must be definite with your objective.

2. When do you want to achieve it? Put a time frame to it. You must be specific.

3. Determine exactly what you are willing to give in return for your dream.

4. Decide on how and when you are going to start to build on it.

5. Find few people that you will call "accountability circle" or what Napolion Hill calls, the Master mind group. The trick here is to choose people who can be able to push you to your limit and support you when you fail.  By the time you decide who should be in the group; you should have developed a definite plan.

In the plan you should be able to describe your vision clearly. Thereafter describe the role of each members of the group in fulfilling that dream as well their individual benefit from it. As you do, remember that no one has sufficient ability, experience, education or knowledge to make accumulate any amount of wealth or achievement of any goal without the cooperation of other people.

6. Start NOW. Many dreams die in the womb because since they were conceived, they were never given birth to. Many people tend to think and think and never act. It is impossible to till a land by just turning it over and over in your mind. You have to act. You have to make the bold step to move towards your dream. Sometimes the road may seem cloudy and somewhat incomplete, but you still have to forge your way.
Look at yourself, and ask yourself: why do I want this thing that I want. Know that if you can master your why, you can endure almost any how. The world has a habit of making way for those who know where they are going.
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