

Monday, November 27, 2017

Ordinary Vs Extraordinary Parenting

Ordinary parents tell their kids to look down when they talk to eledarly. The extraordinary parents asks them to look them in the eye- these kids later become master minds in the boardroom

Ordinary parents make their kids do more household chores and reward them, sometimes with candy or TV time. In the end these kids grow up thinking that they have to endure physical labour to advance in life. Extraordinary parents give their kids an allowance for reading or exploring their talents and being creative. The results is these kids grow up knowing that they have to develop themselves  to advance and to have their talent creative geniuses rewarded. Most of them become employers in the end or world celebrated scientists, sports personalities and professionals.

Ordinary parents send their kids to Sunday school.  The result is kids grow up knowing that God is at church, not at home. while Extraordinary parents buy bibles for their kids and pray with them every day and the results is kids grow up wanting to have a personal relationship with God.

Ordinary parents blame their children for failing at school and call them dumb and say; “I knew he won’t make it this year, he has been playing all year and watch tv too much”... The results is sometimes the kids may look down on themselves and become a burden to their critical ignorant parents later on in life. Extraordinary parents read with their kids, help them with homework and know their children’s academic ability. When they fail at school they request a meeting with the principal and teacher where in they recommend extra special classes for their kid. The result is children grow up feeling cared for, most of the times end up performing very well at school and in life. Involved parents breed powerful kids. The other become poweful by default and extra hard work.

Ordinary parents think kids are playing when they play soccer, sit at school or do other extramural activities, the result is some kids don’t get to develop their talent early. Extraordinary parents attend all or almost all their children’s games and concerts, saying “I hope one day he gets to the Proffessionals team- he is so talented”.

Ordinary parents live a life cover for their kids without teaching them about money. These kids grow up seeing their parents buy things for them but they have never been taught to handle money except to buy sweets. Extraordinary parents teach their children principles of life, business l, marriage, leadership, etc and leave a legacy of principles, if money is available, they live it in a trust fund well administered by knowledgeable people.


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