

Saturday, April 9, 2016

STEP OUT, STEP UP-Pursuing God''s big idea

Step-Out, Tep-Up 2

Ever wondered why certain things that you so much desire are not happening as you wish they should be happening. You have dreamed, talked, written down, thought about it so many times but nothing seems to be moving beyond the thought life. Life seems to be moving like a small wheel in one small area.  I mean, when you look back over your life, nothing much has changed except that now you maybe in another grade, or promoted to another position, married with kids. BUT, personally, you have not changed. Your dreams are still at that stage where they were few years ago. That book has not been written, the business is not yet registered, the problems you had are still the same, you still financially limited as before. The question is WHY?

I believe I may be on to something here. Not that all the answers have been written in this blog, but I want to try and set you on a mind journey of self-discovery. As long as your life's environment has not changed, your life may still remain the same. 

The Metamorphosis of Caterpillar 

Each and every person’s life has to go through various development stages in order to mature to the fullness of his or her potential. Imagine the beautiful butterfly that you may have seen recently in the garden. Before it matured to that beautiful, colourful, admirable and decorative state, it was but an egg, the size of a Sesame seed. The little seed was laid underneath a green leaf somewhere in the garden and abandoned to hatch on its own.

The egg hatches into a living organism less admirable, a Worm. When we see a worm in our environment we hardly take a second thought but hastily suck the life out of it with a shoe, or plank, or whatever it is. Like you my friend, at some point you may be feeling like the worled is sucking the life out of you. Being rejected refused all over and everywhere you go. You may have tried this and that to set your self apart from the pain of rejection, failure,  resentment,etc, but you still find yourself rejected.   

Don’t worry; you are just a caterpillar, a worm going somewhere to be a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar begins to eat away the shell of its egg for nutrients. There after it eats every leave it finds for days. It has to survive on its own.

Man was made to find his own means of living. We cannot afford to live without having to work for something to sustain us. The caterpillar there after finds a small twig, hangs itself there fixatedly and peels off its old skin. That is the skin that held her up as a crawling organism.

After few hours or days, it will hide under a new shell while developing into a new being with wings. It thereafter emerges as completely new organism, a butterfly with beautiful wings. And it flies away to anyplace where it admires to reach, eat in new grounds, break new heights and reach new territories. I can almost hear you say; so what? It’s a butterfly, it’s meant to fly! Yes, that is true. It is meant to fly. What are you meant to be? 

You are meant to be big, live a purpose driven life, live out your dreams, fulfil your calling, make a difference and touch people’s lives. Your life is totally different from that of a caterpillar or a butterfly. But a caterpillar knows that it is not just a caterpillar, it is a butterfly hidden in a worm’s body. So are you, an executive hidden in a student body in the class room. You are a President hidden in a servant’s body. A business woman hidden in a cashier’s uniform. The point is, you are more than what you think yourself to be. 

How to step out

In my previous article titled Step-out-Step–up I wrote that you have to think outside the box, think creatively and plan into the future. I want to add some more things for you to know and do in order to separate yourself from here and climb to there. But before that, let me quote again from that article:  “ to step out means to consciously determine to move outside the normal circle of thought, language, actions and step into an arena where you see things from a magnifying glass. Where you do  not only see your life in today’s terms but also in impending metamorphosed state and be prepared to work it”. That’s where you need to head to:

1. Realise that you are not a regular person.  
You are made of the image of the Most High God to manifest His creative ideas on earth.

2. Realise that there is a higher life awaiting you.
No one can achieve beyond the limitations of his or her own belief. Your life, your success, your vision is measure of what you have chosen to believe.  God has place within each one of us a higher call of His purpose. That purpose is intertwined with the very strong urges and desires that are not yet met. God exposes them as hunger or irritations to you. He knows that you are capable of sorting them out, step up to the game. Until you believe that there a life of purpose awaiting you, you will remain a caterpillar crawling from here to there for life. 

3. Realise that failure is not final
Dr Myles Monroe said failure is not the absence of success; it is the neglect of trying. When we meet failure, we need to step up, try again. Success is not achieved on one attempt. There should be a repetition of efforts towards a greater goal. 

4. Align yourself with the original intent
Lean to speak the right words to yourself. Say to yourself that “I am bold. I am confident. I am smart. I am capable. I am not a failure. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am blessed. I am a winner”. Keep saying words like that until they become real in your own imagination. That is how God sees you. 

When you align yourself to God, you become like the tree planted by the rivers of water (see Psalm 1). The tree has constant supply of nutrients and is able to bear fruit in season. Even if it loses its leaves in the dry season, it remains with more green leaves because of its attachment to the source of life.

Proper alignment can be better explained using the life and function of a moon. The moon has no light of its own. Even though it lights up the earth beautifully at night, it has no light on its own. what it does so good is the way it aligns itself with the bright light from the  sun and it emits that same light from the sun to us. The moon positions itself at a good angle that allows it to receive sufficient light from the sun and then reflect it to the earth. And then we celebrate the moon and thank God the nights are not as dark as should be because of that. The moon acts as a mirror. It mirrors the glory of the sun. It has no glory of its own.

Your position with the creator affects your productivity. Imagine what it would be like to be constantly connected to God and receiving guidance from Him every step of the way. We would be able to display His glory all the time, with ease.  Jesus when speaking with His disciples in John 15:4-5 said “abide in me…then you shall bring forth much fruit”. That’s the beauty of it. Stay connected, and fruitfulness in accordance with your potential is possible. And you will increase. Our fruitfulness is hidden, secured and sustained when we connect ourselves with the source.

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